Friday, October 5, 2012

Flame of Recca

If there was one word to describe this, it would have to be "badass". I'm not kidding, this never lets up. Every character is cool in their own way, and the things that happen in "this" manga. When I read this manga my blood boiled with excitement, I couldn't wait to see what happened next. What do I say to make you love this as much as I did, to yearn for the tale to unfold, to weep physically for the next volume, to laugh with mad joy at seeing the conclusion in sight, and to howl with pain when it does. To read this manga was an experience to behold, I wanted to join the main characters in battle just to be there in person. At first it was an average shōnen series, but after it striped down and revealed itself to me I had an uncontrollable maddening lust to see the story to it's finish. I was sated by the end and maybe you will to.

1 comment:

  1. This post bought to you right after watching Hellsing Ultimate.
