Friday, October 5, 2012

Marble Madness

Have you heard of this game? You should of. This is still, in my opinion, the best platformer ever. Many reincarnations have happened over the years, but none have captured the magic of the original. That is because the low end graphics helped, on top of that most of the game looks like a M.C. Escher painting. Now, why is a platformer game have good writing? Well, all games tell their story through narrative, and Marble Madness does it right in every way. From the art design to the vary controls themselves are there to mess you up. This game can be frustrating, funny, mind bending, and sad if you think about it. "What?", I hear you say, "This game isn't sad". Well, I said you had to think about it バカ. When you beat the game it just returns you to the start of the first level, which means that the ball is forever condemned to wander these hellish plains looking for the exit but never finding it. There, did I just kill a bit of your childhood? If not, play this game, dummkopfleathcheann. Bête. FOOL!

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