Friday, April 5, 2013

What has been wrought upon this earth? .......The horror.....the horror.... T_T

RUN!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! E.T. is here!! Nooooooooooooooooooooo~!

This game makes me weep in large fish tears. (Wut) This so bad.... that it crated a strong....that it still effects movie-games. To. This. Day. What do I mean? Well...back in the far flung year of 1982 a movie came out in cinemas that was made by, then no-so-famous, director/producer Steven Spielberg, called "E.T. the Extra Terrestrial". It has mixed reviews. I personally hate the name, since E.T. stands for Extra Terrestrial. So the name of the movie is "Extra Terrestrial the Extra Terrestrial". T_T But that's a different rant, for a different day. Back to 1982....That same year Atari Inc. decided to cash in on the "success" of the movie and make the first (I think) movie-game, and was bad. The fail detector broke that day. So bad was it, that most of the copies of the game that were bought, were returned to Atari. So bad was it, that returned and unsold copes of the game were buried the the nevada dessert. So bad was it, that it was the leading cause of the 1983 North American video game collapse, and almost made games go extinct in the U.S. A dark time indeed, only Activision and Nintendo survived that fallout...U_U Anyway, after nintendo took a long shot chance to sell their console in the North American market...what can only be called The VGR (Video-Game Renaissance) came about. But some douce in some office thought to himself (1983) "we need to make more money" and so the curse was born and movie-games would forever be bad exceptforafewhearandthere. Only a few movie-games have ever been good, and here is the list.

Golden Eye 007: N64 
Wargames: ColecoVision
Batman: NES
Aladdin: Sega Genesis
Spider-Man 2: PS2, Xbox, GameCube

That' That's all of them.  .........Yep.

Now game-movies have been hit and miss, so they either have a shield on them, or the curse can't get to them as much.  

If you actually came into this to get a review on the-game-that-should-not-be-named it's been done to death. Have some links.