Friday, January 23, 2015

A little Myst-y eyed.

This blog has devolved into my soap box so, Myst again. Because......why not. Be forewarned I'm not going to spoil a lot of this game.


"I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned. It continued falling into that that starry expanse, of which I had only a fleeting glimpse. I have tried to speculate where it might have landed, but I must admit that such conjecture is futile. Still questions about whose hands might one day hold my Myst book are unsettling to me. I know my apprehensions might never be allayed, and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

A book falls in front of you. Did it fall from the sky? How strange.
You open the book and on the first page you see a moving picture, that moves not by mechanizations but by magic.
You reach out to the page, tentatively, and touch the page's moving picture. As you do, you hear a sound come over you (Hear) and are transported to an island with numerous structures and artifices on it. There you begin a journey of discovery.

You start this game with minimal knowledge about anything going on, and I mean that. You get a flyby of the island with the above knowledge, aaaannnnd that's pretty much it.

I love this game (could you tell?) and I go through it in story points, on the next line.

The Docks:
You face, what I will now call, North on a wooden dock. The why is not known to you, nor how a ship ended up sunk next to it. Up ahead, a rather large set of gears sits on a hill. What could be their purpose? If you happen to have the forethought to look left you see a rectangle set into the side of the mountain.

What this setting is, is a beautiful opening for the game. You are given little hints as to what you can or can't click on. Not to mention the sound of the water hitting the side of the dock along with other auditory clues, like the wind, bring the world of Myst to you, and making it real.

The Gears:
A stone staircase lined with lights and railing that turns west then branches to two ways: the west, a dirt path, then east, up another set of stone railed stairs. Up the stairs a large set of rusted gears sit next to one another but not interlocked. One sits vertical half burred in rock platform, while the other is horizontal laying next to the other. You can only wonder at the reason for this spaces existence

The gears are a wonder, in that they make you curious as to just what is their function. They provide a mystery to solve at the start and their location is viewable from your starting location on the map. What makes them a real oddity is the way the space is laid out seems to sagest that these have more of a function then what is present, but you can't do anything here, and I mean nothing. You can look at them, you can go back, and you can click on every part of the screen for fifteen minutes in a vain attempt to derive a purpose of THESE BLASED THINGS! YOU JUST SIT THERE, TELL ME YOUR SECRETS YOU METALLIC HELL SPAWNS!..................but no, nothing. To the west is a dirt path with wooden stairs and if you had a keen eyes you would see a light rectangular bit of something. Clicking reveals your first bit of story:
   The fore-chamber, next to the docks? Now most likely you go back to the docks and search for the "fore-chamber". After some fettling with a leaver you find it.

Imaging Room:
Shhhhhhhhhh. This is a secret to everybody.(Come on, I have to preserve some myst-ery.)

In here you find a message from Atrus:

Oh.....oh dear......what have I stumbled upon?

If you've visited the rest of the island before coming here, the island has peaceful sounds (like an island should) but after this, the island feels vary... 'lonely', as all the "Ages" do. Sometimes you find evidence that there was someone there only to find that they left a long time ago, sometimes very violently. There are no bodes, but you can tell something went down.

The Brothers:
Over west of the note you'll find an Atrium and then the Library. In the Library you'll find  red and blue books. This is where you meet Sirrus and Achenar, both of them weave a tail of how they got trapped in the books. This is the meat of the game, as you need to speak to one or both of these people for most of the game.

After this part you'll have to find out more on your own, but hopefully I've wetted your appetites enough to get this on your own.

For the time it was made, it was a very well made and on a low budget of around $1M-$500k (according to wikipedia) and considering most games around that time cost $20M-$30M that was bare-bones. The sound is the best part of this and bring you into this world I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to explore the pioneers of game history. If the graphics are to dated Cyan has re-released Myst as a full 3D experience in RealMyst.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is this thing still on?

I must apologize for my absence. I went through a bout with homelessness (got better as you see) and I will continue with my writing, but I will say that I will take a little time to get back in the swing of things (not that I had much of a 'swing' to begin with).

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

These are going to be three rapid fire reviews, so look out!

The only way I can talk about Nanoha is with spoilers. So the short and long of it is, Nanoha is pretty good. Go watch it. I like it.

Now on to the review proper. Nanoha, as you can tell from the name, is about a girl called Nanoha that is a girl. She has magical powers, and is lyrical? Right? In fact, no, she is not lyrical at all (at least from I can see). Even the show acknowledges this with a episode title "I am lyrical?". Anyways, Nanoha gets her powers via a ferret, the Mentor Mascot of the first season. Note how I said "the first season", well get into that in "A's". ;)  Nanoha has to find twenty-one maguffins called Jewel seeds (please note that there are only thirteen episodes), in universe they are part of a set of things called Lost Logia (I'll talk more about them later). 

Nanoha as a whole, in a way, kinda brakes the mold on magical girl shows. Now don't get me wrong the first season of Nanoha is very, very, very, very, very, very, very formulaic. Hear is a girl, her name is Nanoha, she meets a magical talking ferret that gives her magical powers, she now going to transform watch her do it, ect, ect, ect.......That is until Fate shows up. an.......abused child...... yeeeaaa. 

I an not kidding, Fate is abused meanly and physically by her own mother and for some strange reason this show takes it more maturely than most other shows I've seen. That one thing affects her throughout the series, not just the first season and then quickly forgotten about. The. Entire. Series. And that's not the most fucked up thing that happens to her, I won't spoil it, you half to see it for your selves.    Speaking of maturity, Nanoha's magical garb is the only one (that I know of) with a long dress, and I know that shouldn't be a thing....but it is.

Anyway give it a shot, I liked it and so mite you.

P.S. I'll be doing a video review of this later, look for it on youtube. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I don't feel dead......

I am in fact, not dead. Step 1 of not dying alone hungry in the streets is checked. While I must apologize for my absence (no really, I'm sorry) I must say that I have not been completely idle. I have been working on a walkthrough for Myst, which is about 20%-25% done. I have also touched up chapter 3 of MWP:Lost Horizons and as you have noticed I have renamed the book Lost Horizons because that sounds way better than Freaky Humanity (most of the headers are not changed mostly because I forgot :p) and and I have started chapter 4 Shadow Games:This chapter took a lot of planing, mostly because of all the crap going down in the city. I also plan to do a video on Justin Beeber T_T I'm so much angry as I am disappointed.

Oh P.S. I did get into D&D 3.5 so if you want to include me in a game let me know, my current group is on indefinite hiatus. (my free time any day is 6:00pm to 12:00am EST)

Now then as some of you my be curious. I have decided on my favorite pony. After careful consideration over a twelve month study of the values I hold dear I have chosen Rainbow Dash as my favorite pony. Why? Well she has a can do attitude is, for the most part, confident in her self and she represents the Element of Loyalty, a value I hold above all else (Not to mention she's kind of a badass.)

Friday, April 5, 2013

What has been wrought upon this earth? .......The horror.....the horror.... T_T

RUN!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! E.T. is here!! Nooooooooooooooooooooo~!

This game makes me weep in large fish tears. (Wut) This so bad.... that it crated a strong....that it still effects movie-games. To. This. Day. What do I mean? Well...back in the far flung year of 1982 a movie came out in cinemas that was made by, then no-so-famous, director/producer Steven Spielberg, called "E.T. the Extra Terrestrial". It has mixed reviews. I personally hate the name, since E.T. stands for Extra Terrestrial. So the name of the movie is "Extra Terrestrial the Extra Terrestrial". T_T But that's a different rant, for a different day. Back to 1982....That same year Atari Inc. decided to cash in on the "success" of the movie and make the first (I think) movie-game, and was bad. The fail detector broke that day. So bad was it, that most of the copies of the game that were bought, were returned to Atari. So bad was it, that returned and unsold copes of the game were buried the the nevada dessert. So bad was it, that it was the leading cause of the 1983 North American video game collapse, and almost made games go extinct in the U.S. A dark time indeed, only Activision and Nintendo survived that fallout...U_U Anyway, after nintendo took a long shot chance to sell their console in the North American market...what can only be called The VGR (Video-Game Renaissance) came about. But some douce in some office thought to himself (1983) "we need to make more money" and so the curse was born and movie-games would forever be bad exceptforafewhearandthere. Only a few movie-games have ever been good, and here is the list.

Golden Eye 007: N64 
Wargames: ColecoVision
Batman: NES
Aladdin: Sega Genesis
Spider-Man 2: PS2, Xbox, GameCube

That' That's all of them.  .........Yep.

Now game-movies have been hit and miss, so they either have a shield on them, or the curse can't get to them as much.  

If you actually came into this to get a review on the-game-that-should-not-be-named it's been done to death. Have some links.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Electronic Arts T_T

Fuck E.A. Fuck it right in the ass!

You're god damn right I'm mad! I'm done, I'm fucking done! I'm done putting up with them, I'm done tolerating them, I'm done seeing good games being turned to shit, I'm done seeing things I care about being beaten till they're just a bloody mess on the ground, I'm done defending them to the people I know, I'm done seeing good business practices being twisted and deformed till they're unrecognizable amalgamation-husks of their former selves, and I'm done supporting E.A.! I've tried to forgive them and I've tried to have patience with them, I rely have. I've forgiven them so many times but they have run my patience in to the ground and my forgiveness is not infinite, so I'm done with E.A.! No more will I buy games that where produced under E.A., no more will I buy anything from E.A. and no more will I buy anything that was bought by E.A., ever! This means that I will never play Mass Effect, I will never play Sim City, and I will never play another Dragon Age game. That's right, Bioware too. In fact, starting now, if any company partners with E.A. to make a game, you go on the list of companies I will never buy from. They're name is shit in my book and no amount redemption can save them. I don't care if they change CEO's, I don't care if they change their name, and I do not care if they get bought out by another company; they too will be added to the list of companies I will never buy from. They have awakened the personification of wrath in me and will not be satisfied till everything that they are and everything they own is destroyed! If that means that allot of good games go with it, if thats what it takes to bring down E.A., then so be it! I'm! Fucking! Done!